Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Italian Madrigal and The Birth of Opera - June 13, 2009

International Song Festival Presents

Anima Mundi Early Music Ensemble, Antoine Garth director

The Italian Madrigal and The Birth of Opera

Concert and Italian Buffet Dinner at The Spirit House Restaurant, Chiang Mai Thailand

When: Saturday, 13 June 2009
Time: 6:00 dinner; 8:00 concert
Cost: 600 baht for dinner and concert

The Anima Mundi Early Music Ensemble is a mostly a capella vocal ensemble that focuses on music from the renaissance and early baroque masters in Rome and Northern Italy.

A short lecture on the developments that transformed the polyphonic culture of the madrigal to the solo voice and continuo culture of monody and early opera will be followed by Italian madrigals by de Rore, Marenzio, etc. and selections by Claudio Monteverdi, including selections from his opera "Orfeo".

Please call Spirit House for Reservations, 084 803 4366 or contact Antoine at The Spirit House Restaurant is located on Soi Viengbua, off of Chiang Puak Rd. and two sois north of Thalaat Tanin.